Dikt 13: Crying
As the night falls down over the land,
am sitting here, all alone, with a pen in my hand.
Trying to remember what i told you.
Trying to finger out, if what i said, was true.
I said that i love you. That I without you, i would die.
But am not sure. Maybe it was a lie.
A tear fall down on my paper. I start to cry.
There is nothing more. Why should i keep try?
I am so lost in myself. Can someone get me out?
Feels like none can hear me... no matter how loud i shout.
Where is my friends? My family... all that once knew me.
Well... it dosent matter... there is nothing more to see.
Dikt 12: Den Svarta Blomman
En svart blomma jag såg djup inne i en skog.
Som en elstöt löd chocken då jag i den tog.
Dess taggar gick igenom mitt skinn, fick mig att blöda.
Den förhäxade mig, jag tryckte den mot mitt hjärta, trots min möda.
Dess blad skar min hy, borrade sig in till mitt hjärta.
Jag avled, utan någon större smärta.
Min själ fångades i denna vackra blomma.
Där sitter den, och bara väntar på att nästa ska komma.
Skönheten den bär bedrar alla som den ser.
För varje själ blir den vackrare, men den vill bara ha mer.
Med ofattbar skönhet i glänsande svart.
Lockar den till sig själar, dag som natt.
En hjärtlös blomma med ändlös hunger.
Lockar till sig själar i endlösa nummer.
Dikt 11: En Mor.
En mors lyckliga blick då hon såg sitt barn.
Hon fyller sitt barn med lögner tills det är fångat i ett nät av garn.
Barnet växer upp och förstår att allt är lögn.
Barnet slutar tro på allt sin mor en gång sjöng.
Nu i barnets huvud finns bara smärta.
Då barnet gråter med brustet hjärta.
Trots alla lögner och alla hemligheter,
ber modern barnet sluta med "dessa dumheter".
Barnet förlåter modern av kärlek.
Och modern slutar med sina lögnars lek.
Barnet öppnar ögonen och ser,
alla bilder av folk som skrattar och ler,
försvinner ner i ett djupt, mörkt hål.
Världen blir kall och vass som den starkaste nål.
Barnet ser en granne misshandla sin katt.
Men Barnet gör inget, kroppen känns för matt.
Barnet känner ingen lycka mer.
Den stänger ögonen, och inget mer ser.
Själen hans flyger upp.
Nu är han i himmeln och tittar ner på Jordens eviga kupp.
Det lilla barnet blir illamående och får svindel.
Hur kan mäniskor göra så? barnet dör än en gång i sin himmel.
Dikt 10: Ended It.
You fooled me with sweet words and gave me new hope and dreams.
But as I already known a long time, everything aint always as it seems.
But I was blinded by the change, the change to heal my heart.
But I can say it, you fooled me right from the start!
Blindly I wasted my money and my time.
But they way you fooled me, ay, ay, it could be a crime.
I blindly trusted you, well, well, its my own bad.
Its not your fault i wanted love like mad.
But when you got me just where you wanted me,
I slowly began to see;
You tried lock me out of the world, and keep me in a cage.
Nice try, boy, but welcome to the new age.
All my friends, they stand by my side and help me in those times.
Help me away from you, and all your lies!
Dosent matter how many times you will try say your sorry,
My friends and I will always know the true story.
Now no matter how much i chose to not see,
My friends will always be there and set me free <3
Dikt 9: Förhäxad.
Jag förhäxades av ditt falska leendé, dina vita tänder.
Jag bedövades av smeknigarna från dina perfecta händer.
Jag bedrogs av dina strålande ögon.
Jag blev blind av de söta ord du viskade in i mina öron.
En natt jag var i himmlen, jag somnade efter att dig en sista gång kysst.
Men när jag slog upp ögonen, var allting tyst.
Det tog mig en evighet innan jag förstod dig.
Förstod att du fått vad du ville ha, och nu sprang ifrån mig.
Varje berörnig, varje kyss och viskinin var falsk, ALLT VAR ETT TRICK.
Ett trick för en natts njutning, vilket du fick.
Blind av hat sökte jag upp dig för hämnd.
När jag var vid ditt hus såg jag att du ännu en kvinna tämt.
Jag gick fram till dörren och tog fram en kniv.
Du skulle dö, även om det kostade ett extra liv.
jag högg om och om igen.
Kvinnan försvann, hon sprang nog hem.
Då du var död låg jag vid din sida.
Jag ville inte längre något lida.
Nu är jag död.
Det var så denna dikt löd.
Dikt 8: Girls Get Tough.
To get rewarded, you need to work, dont f** around!
Stop think you just can pull us down to the ground!
We got feelings, but we also got a will!
A will for fighting, a will you never can kill!
When we meet you, you play all nice and good,
but when you get us to follow, we end up alone in the wood!
You take what you want, then you leave us, treat us like trash!
You're playing with fire, boy, then leave us in the ash!
But i will accept this NO MORE,
Next time, Ill lead you right down into Hells Core.
I wont accept this, its far over enough!
Its time for us girls to become tough!
Dikt 7: How It Is.
If you think you know my pain, then your wrong.
I been letting myself being fooled for way too long.
My heart is torn out, and my love is gone.
I will never, ever forgive myself for what I've done.
So long my life been in a mess,
by so many boys, you got the yes...
That cant be that wrong, it just cant be.
You took my heart, and it will never be set free.
You people who think you know my pain, your stupid all the way!
Abit of my life is torn out, my heart is broken, thats just the first I got to say.
Dont you understand the terrible pain I am going through?
But still I would go through it all again to be with you.
I am broken, I am dead and I am lost.
Whole my life, did a single misstake cost.
You maybe think you feel my pain, and you can say you that you know.
But you dont know a shit, your thoughts are way too low!
I AM DEAD INSIDE, thats how it is.
I will NEVER get back those parts I miss.
I am sitting here, trying to heal my wounds with lies.
But it wont make it diffrent, whole my heart and body crys.
You can think that I am crazy, you can think I am insane.
You can think whatever you want, even that I am going to my own bane.
I dont care anymore, becuse you dont understand!
You dont understand how much I would give for a second chance to his hand.
My pain is gigantic, and you will NEVER feel anything like this.
Everything when I close my eyes I can feel the cold of Death's Kiss.
Why cant you understand why I wont eat neither water or bread.
BECUSE, people, I am already dead.
Dikt 6: Lonely
How much wouldn't I give to have you here?
How much wouldn't I give to make you care?
What do I need to do to make you notice me?
What do I need to do to make you see?
Please, oh dear someone, take me out of this!
No words can ever tell you how horrible this is!
I need to get out, I need to breath again!
How much pain should I give without getting any gain?
Where are you, people that once said we were friends.
You are not here, not seeing me, even thou my life maybe soon ends!
I would give it all for you, I would die for you!
Should I need to kill myself to prove that true?
I will do it, I wont regret!
Becuse I never our friendship forget.
I cant your hugs feel, or your whispers hear.
Where have you gone, now in my time of fear?
If there was anything I could do to save our friendship, I would done it.
But now I am too weak, my heart can break with just a single hit.
I protected you so many times, been there for you in your time of need.
But now when I for once need you, you left me here to bleed.
My life is gone with you, I left it to you, am a dead scale.
My life as I once had is vanishing like a sad story from a tale.
Take care of yourself, and known that I dont you blame.
I know I wasnt perfect, that sometimes I burned like any flame.
It is hard to accept it as it is, but I've done it and so will you, dont worry.
Farewell, and my friend, its too late to say you're sorry.
Dikt 5: Lost You
In time so hard, you were by my side, holding my hand.
Why, Why, cant i no longer see? Why cant I be where you stand?
Why did We, that were so perfect together, slip apart?
Our love, were so beautiful. More beautiful than any art...
My heart is broken, never to be healed.
I never get, what I once needed.
I am torn apart, my love, my dear friend.
And i really think, that this is the end.
End of the pain, end of the sorrow.
End of the fear. The fear for the endless hollow.
Our friendship, our love, our trust.
It all faded away. Away with the Love's Lust.
Farewell, My Love, farewell, My Friend.
I miss you here by my side, now, in the end.
Dikt 4: Mistakes.
A mistake I made. A mistake you made.
I declined the love you did trade.
We were friends, yes, but that time is gone.
Now it dosent matter, if you forgive the mistakes i done.
I know, I done many.
But it isent like you didn't do any.
You did like many as me, maybe more, maybe less.
We left eachother, left our lifes in a mess.
But it dosent matter. We have to go on, my friend.
As enemies, as friends. Dosent matter. This is our end.
Dikt 3: Stand Up Girls.
We girls aint made just to amuse you boys.
You can think whatever you want, but we AINT your toys!
If you dont know how to act or how to be,
then just keep away from me!
Becuse if you piss me off, i wont be nice!
Belive me! I wont warn you twice!
If i tell you to stop, then you better do as I say,
'cuse if you dont I wont stay.
I dont like being pushed around by boys who think they own me.
It should be simple, cant you see?
Show respect or get out of my way!
'cuse I will NEVER you obey!
Dikt 2: Where were you?
Where were you when I were traped in my darkest fears?
Where were you when I were crying blood insteed of tears?
Where were you when my life was in a dark shadow of Horror?
Where were you when I were eaten by a terrible hollow?
I did trust you, belived that you were there for me.
I did belive in you, trusted that you would set me free.
I waited and waited in days and nights.
But you left me, left me with no rights.
Persons who said they belived in freedom and that they were my friends,
are now sold to money, and aint here by my side now when my life ends.
I am so tierd of being killed, like over and over again by you.
All the words you told me, not a single one of them were true?
I belived in you, and needed you to save me from myself.
But you left me, just caring for your own health.
Were I a too complex girl for you to love?
Were I too diffrend from the world, like a crow and a dove?
I am like a crow, dark and without a voice.
I am like a dove, beautiful, but not allowed to make any noise.
Now I am alone, with wounds that wont ever heal.
Wounds who hurts more than you will ever feel.
To you I were nothing but a tool and a toy.
I am the girl, which heart isnt respected by any boy.
What did I do to deserv this cold ending, without anyone by my side?
Where there noone that were perfect to me, in a world so wide?
You might think I am dumb, and that am going insane.
But I am not, becuse I know I am seeing my own bane.
But how much I ever hate you, I want to say good bye.
Good bye my friend, its time for me to die.
Dikt 1: Ängeln
Please, oh, dear angel, tell me why:
Why, since he left me, i only blood cry?
Why cant i move my body, its heavy as steel!
I can not move! I can nothing feel!"
The angel answere:
"You, Girl, that felt into dark when he was you kissing,
only cry blood, 'cuse you is him missing.
Why your body is heavy, and you cant drink water, neither eat bread.
He killed you, my pretty, you're dead.
- Maria B.S
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